It's been a little over a week since I decided to take a small break from the world of blogging and social networking. I must say, it was a breath of fresh air.
During this short hiatus I:
- baked pumpkin cupcakes with cream cheese frosting.
- read one and a half books.
- cooked some meals in batches and froze some for later (loving this method, by the way.)
- wrote letters to friends.
- had long phone conversations with my parents.
- went to a bonfire and roasted marshmallows.
- rested lots and lots (I've been sick for the majority of the past couple of weeks...Vitamin C and my pillow have been my best friends.)
- went on a pumpkin patch adventure with husband.
- enjoyed surprise homemade smoothies (thanks to him.)
- ate some halloween candy (here's to hoping it's not all gone before tomorrow!)
- collaborated with husband on a project we're working on (which we will be able to unveil soon!)

It's been a good break, and I'm now going to slowly ease back into the online world. But this little break of mine has definitely helped me reevaluate my priorities and I'm aiming for much better balance in my life.
I'm not going to:
- feel the need to update my blog every single day
- feel like I have to read everything in my Google Reader
- compare myself to others
- leave Facebook open in my browser to distract me during the day
- feel like a loser when I don't have anything exciting to Twitter about :)
- continue documenting our adventures through photographs and this little blog
- find inspiration in others and in turn, strive to inspire
- stay connected with what's going on in my friends lives
- love life with everything I've got :)
Enough about me. How are you all doing? I must say, I feel a little disconnected from everyone since I haven't been reading people's blog posts or statuses. I trust that no one got engaged or had a baby while I've been m.i.a. And if you did, you'd better let me know!
Happy Friday! :)