I can hardly believe that our little man is going to be one month old on Sunday! Time is flying by, and we're loving and soaking in every moment. He has changed our world for the better in so many ways.
I've been wanting to share some from the day he was born, and am just now finding the time to sit down, sort through some pictures, and write out my thoughts from the day.
On Thursday, June 28th, Jonathan and I went in for our 39 week doctor's appointment. Since Liam had been measuring on the larger size, we had another ultrasound to check things and make sure everything was looking good. When we met with our doctor, she recommended that we induce a week early so that we could reduce the chances of having to have a c-section. She said that my body was already progressed to the point where most women come in to the hospital during active labor, so she was confident that I would react to the induction very well. Jonathan and I agreed that would be best, so we scheduled to go in to the hospital at 5:30am the next day.
As we left the doctor's office, the reality started to sink in...we were going to have our baby within the next day! My stomach was full of butterflies, and I couldn't stop smiling. This was so exciting!
We spent the rest of the afternoon running errands and making sure we had everything else we needed for the hospital and to bring Liam home. That evening, we drove to Nashville to pick my mom up from the airport. Her arrival from Maine couldn't have been at a more perfect time!
When we got home that night, I couldn't stop for one moment. I was running around double checking our bags, straightening up the house, baking cookies for the hospital staff, showering, and making sure everything was as ready as it could be.
Sleep was futile. I think I slept off and on for one, maybe two, hours total. I felt like a little kid on Christmas Eve times 100. The excitement was so hard to contain! Our alarm went off at 4am the next morning, and I was out of bed faster than I ever have been before. :) We quickly got ready, packed up the car, and made it to the hospital to check in by 5:30am.
We got all settled into our hospital room, and the nurses came to hook me up to the monitors and IV. I had already been having contractions throughout the night and early morning, so they started me on a low level of pitocin to help things progress.
At 7:30am, Dr. Redden came to check on me and see how everything was going. I was progressing really well, so she went ahead and broke my water. Now it was just a matter of time.
Contractions started getting pretty crazy at that point. They were getting stronger and stronger and closer and closer together. I had been planning on having an epidural all along, but I wanted to wait a little while before getting it.
Honestly, those contractions were very painful...unlike anything I have ever felt before. But Jonathan was right there with me talking me through each one, massaging my shoulders, putting worship music on to help me relax, filling my cup with ice chips, and encouraging me all along the way. He was amazing. And all the pain was bearable because I knew that each wave meant that Liam was closer to being in our arms. It was all worth it.
When the anesthesiologist came in, it was like angels were singing the Hallelujah Chorus! I was relieved, to say the least. Kudos to moms who give birth with zero pain killers...phew!
The epidural started to kick in, and I was finally able to relax. My doctor came in and encouraged me to try and rest. I really needed my strength for the "marathon" ahead. I took her advice and napped for a while. When I woke up, I felt so much better and refreshed. I was ready to do this!
Although the contractions had never really gone away, I started to feel them again. This time, since I had the epidural, they were more like pressure rather than pain.
All of a sudden, I felt like Liam was going to come right then! I had the sudden urge to push, and just knew that he was going to come soon. We quickly called my nurse and she came in to check everything...and sure enough, it was go time! My doctor came in with the other nurses and they started setting up for delivery. They were all surprised at how rapidly and easily things had progressed.
Twenty minutes later (with only twelve minutes of active pushing), on June 29th 2012 at 2:32pm, Liam Isaac Zajas was born!
I cannot even begin to describe the joy that was felt in that moment. Holding my son for the first time was absolutely incredible. I couldn't believe that he was finally here!
In just a moment's time, we had gone from a family of two, to a family of three. Our lives were changed forever in the best way possible.

Liam was born weighing 8lbs 5oz and measuring 21 inches long.
Seeing Jonathan hold Liam for the first time is one of my most favorite memories ever. The love I've had for my husband has always been so great that it's hard to imagine loving him more than I already did...but seeing him as a father made that happen. My heart felt like it grew 10x it's normal size. I've always known that he was going to be an amazing dad, but seeing that become reality has been absolutely incredible.
Our entire experience that day was so wonderful. We really couldn't have asked for it to go any better than it did. I am so thankful for Dr. Redden. She is one of the nicest people I've ever met, and was exactly what I needed throughout this entire experience. All of the staff at Williamson Medical Center were amazing. I'm so thankful for each and every one of them who helped take care of us that weekend.
It was such a blessing getting to have my mom there with us. I'm so glad she could share in this experience! She was an incredible help to us the first few days during her stay (she even brought us Dunkin' Donuts every morning while we were in the hospital!) I love her.
As wonderful as our experience at the hospital was, by the time Sunday rolled around, we were ready to head home and start this new chapter in our lives together. It was surreal putting on his own clothes and placing him in his car seat for the first time. It was so cool that we actually got to keep him and bring him home with us! :)
The past few weeks since then have been a whirlwind. It seems like just yesterday that he was born, and here he is 3.5 weeks old already.
Thank you to all the friends and family who have celebrated with us during this time. The visits, cards, gifts, meals, and sweet words have all been such a blessing. We appreciate you all so much!
I hope to continue sharing bits and pieces of our journey with you all along the way. This is fun! :)
Love and blessings,
Tiffany, Jonathan, + Liam